A tale of two friends... in two cities... reflecting on images and experiences that capture our fancy.


March 28, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

-Red Bud Trees-

Spring time has arrived in full bloom! This past weekend officially ushered in glorious spring on March 20th. Of all the seasons, spring tops the list as a favorite of mine. Spring sees us transition from winter, when we think we can hardly bare another dreary day of bone chilling weather, to the good old summertime, when balmy days arrive and signal the start of barbecues and enjoyment of cool pools of water ripe for swimming. Spring is short-lived in my neck of the woods, and if you blink you will practically miss it. However, the weeks of spring we do have are absolutely fantastic... the right balance of sunshine and cool breezes... flowers bursting into bloom... birds twittering & butterflies galore. Everything that breathes seems to be gulping down the fresh air. Now is the time for renewal and a fresh start. By all means, enjoy the outdoors and the most beautiful art nature can offer up: SPRING.

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