A tale of two friends... in two cities... reflecting on images and experiences that capture our fancy.


March 25, 2010

How Do You Get to Wonderland?

A childhood favorite of mine... and in all honesty, still a favorite today... is the story of Alice in Wonderland. What child wouldn't want to tumble down that rabbit hole into a land where nature speaks and everything once unimaginable is perfectly natural? Yet you get your fill as things become a little mad, and realize nothing beats the sweetness of home and the comforts of your own world. Still, the story offers up imagery and experiences that sing to a child's imagination... and a means of escapism for the adult mind, if you still have a place in your heart for a wee bit of childish fun & whimsy. The newest installment of all things Alice is the Disney & Tim Burton movie collaboration Alice in Wonderland. While the classic 1951 animated version of Alice in Wonderland tells the story of Alice's first visit to Wonderland, the latest version has Alice returning to Wonderland after some years have passed. The imagery in both movies is fantastic... and who can top the outlandish characters that have become favorites? Apart from darling Alice, of course, there is the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, March Hare, Queen of Hearts, Caterpillar, and Tweedledee & Tweedledum. So, why IS a raven like a writing desk?

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