A tale of two friends... in two cities... reflecting on images and experiences that capture our fancy.


April 18, 2010

Blueberry bliss

I love La Madeleine's fresh blueberry muffins, they're just perfection - soft and fluffy on the inside, slightly crispy on the outside and showered with a sweet crumbly topping. I've been on the search for the perfect blueberry muffin recipe, and this one came pretty close.

April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

-Spring Chickies-

-Adorable Papyrus Easter Card Image-

-Too Cute "Chicks in Nest" by Paperchase-

Happy Easter!!

April 1, 2010

Bayou City Art Festival

The 13th Annual Bayou City Art Festival was held on March 26-28 and showcased an array of awe-inspiring art: jewelry, mixed media, photography, wood, and more. With over 300 hundred talented artists from all over the US, I was not going to miss out this year. The weather was fantastic and I enjoyed a breezy stroll along the winding path of Memorial Park. A collection of colorful bird houses caught my eye and after half an hour I finally picked the perfect one - an eclectic masterpiece made of recycled wood and tin with a silver spoon for a perch! Weather Wonders by Dave Bruce will also be sold at The Village Firefly in the near future, but you may have already seen them in California and Arizona. Here is a peek at some of the best artists, I collected their ads and listed their websites below. Enjoy!

  1. Lynden St. Victor - Fantasy and reality collide with grace in the paintings of the festival's featured artist.
  2. Ward Art Studio - Painted prarie grass allows for this mixed media to explode off the wall.
  3. Dolan Geiman - Ingeniously designed handcrafted collages made with recycled material and marked by a Southern influence.
  4. Dress Paintings - Exquistely charming collages of real baby dresses or vintage cloth adhered to canvas.
  5. Skipping Lilies - Shabby chic handmade pendants made with real flowers.

If you wish for your art to be removed or feel it is improperly displayed, please feel free to contact me.

March 31, 2010

Birds of Paradise

Birds of Paradise - Card Image

Birds of Paradise - Flower

Today marked my 3 year wedding anniversary to my sweetie. 3 fabulous years and counting! I always thinks its cute how M's wedding anniversary is so near my own... another fiber that connects us. M's post has inspired me to reflect on my own anniversary.

My husband and I welcomed the discovery that we both were again on the same wavelength; we both incorporated the beautiful flowers known as Birds of Paradise in an element of our anniversary exchange. He surprised me with some flowers and amongst them was the Birds of Paradise! I presented him with a card that had the image of the flower. Ironic? I don't think so.

March 28, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

-Red Bud Trees-

Spring time has arrived in full bloom! This past weekend officially ushered in glorious spring on March 20th. Of all the seasons, spring tops the list as a favorite of mine. Spring sees us transition from winter, when we think we can hardly bare another dreary day of bone chilling weather, to the good old summertime, when balmy days arrive and signal the start of barbecues and enjoyment of cool pools of water ripe for swimming. Spring is short-lived in my neck of the woods, and if you blink you will practically miss it. However, the weeks of spring we do have are absolutely fantastic... the right balance of sunshine and cool breezes... flowers bursting into bloom... birds twittering & butterflies galore. Everything that breathes seems to be gulping down the fresh air. Now is the time for renewal and a fresh start. By all means, enjoy the outdoors and the most beautiful art nature can offer up: SPRING.

Old Hawaii

On Monday, my husband and I celebrate our 2 year anniversary - a wonderful 2 years with my soul mate and I'm reminiscent of our unforgettable honeymoon in Hawaii. Here I'll take you back to old Hawaii with a few of our photographs. Aloha!

March 25, 2010

How Do You Get to Wonderland?

A childhood favorite of mine... and in all honesty, still a favorite today... is the story of Alice in Wonderland. What child wouldn't want to tumble down that rabbit hole into a land where nature speaks and everything once unimaginable is perfectly natural? Yet you get your fill as things become a little mad, and realize nothing beats the sweetness of home and the comforts of your own world. Still, the story offers up imagery and experiences that sing to a child's imagination... and a means of escapism for the adult mind, if you still have a place in your heart for a wee bit of childish fun & whimsy. The newest installment of all things Alice is the Disney & Tim Burton movie collaboration Alice in Wonderland. While the classic 1951 animated version of Alice in Wonderland tells the story of Alice's first visit to Wonderland, the latest version has Alice returning to Wonderland after some years have passed. The imagery in both movies is fantastic... and who can top the outlandish characters that have become favorites? Apart from darling Alice, of course, there is the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, March Hare, Queen of Hearts, Caterpillar, and Tweedledee & Tweedledum. So, why IS a raven like a writing desk?

March 22, 2010

Key Crave

As of late, I've been obsessed with anything key-shaped. Once upon a time, keys only served to unlock doors and safety boxes. Fortunately they now have a life all their own. I love their uniqueness - their one of a kind shape, distinct color, utter charm, and new ambition. Here are a few of my favorites - Vintage Keys, Key to my heart, That's the way it is with dreams... Her Words Comp Book, and Kryptos hook rack.

March 17, 2010

Oh Lucky Day

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Nothing like a pint o' Guinness to get you in the Irish spirit!

Enchanted by this pixie-like image of Mia Farrow & her clover.

March 14, 2010

Liberty for All

-Products available at Target-

Liberty of London has made its debut stateside at Target today. A high-low collaboration that wows with its charming floral prints splashed across an array of affordable merchandise. For over a century, the British phenom Liberty of London has been offering up an assortment of luxury goods... fashion, home decor, accessories, and more... and are well-known for their prints that evoke 60s flower power but often with a modern twist. The line is worth taking a peak at, and possibly treating yourself to, in honor of spring's arrival. After all, who wouldn't want to usher in spring time with one of these bright, uplifting, mod floral pieces?!

Flying friends

You'll never guess who paid a visit in our magnolia tree today. Ever since my husband purchased a bird feeder about a week ago, he's been eagerly awaiting a visitor. Did I mention we live in the heart of the fourth largest US city? Welcome flying friends!

Female Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Male Bluejay

March 9, 2010

First Course

Our blog begins...with food of course!

Saturday, March 6th: A night on the town that satisfies
the palette...

From the outside, The Raven is unassuming, but you're pleasantly surprised once you walk into the warm ambiance; it's a touch of nature in a modern city. An impressive black and white photograph of a lone raven hangs behind the hostess stand; a rather blurred image of a bird that brings to mind nature and lore. Perhaps this adds a bit of eclectic coziness to this restaurant atmosphere. There is also a display of stunning high dynamic range nature photographs and art lining the walls, which you may add to your own home collection if it fits your bill. The bartender serving us was gracious, and a glass of Cotes du Rhone is sure to satisfy both red and white wine drinkers alike. For starters, The Raven Sampler is simply marvelous and an order of the seafood cakes is a must. For the main course, the Shrimp Etoufee is sure to fire off your taste buds as it pairs the rich & creamy etoufee with spicy jalapeno cornbread. It delivers a kick in true southern style.

13 Celsius is the perfect temperature to store wine. It is also the name of a fantastic European Cafe & Wine Bar in Midtown with an amazing ambiance. What is so fascinating about 13 Celsius, is not only what they serve up, but also the historic building that 13 Celsius occupies. The building sat vacant for years; it had been a former dry cleaning plant built in 1926 known as Jennings Cleaning & Dyeing Shoppe. Through creativity, vision & preservation, this building has evolved into a one-of-a-kind wine bar. The cocoa truffles are amazing when they're available, apparently I'm not the only one who fancies them. And the selection of imported wines and beer is dizzying.

March 7, 2010

Peeking at the Past

M's introduction to our blog couldn't be sweeter. We are friends with a future... lifelong friends... excited by the memories that lie ahead for us. Our story began our sophomore year of college. Hook'em was - and is - our motto. Rooming together in west campus, we were tickled to find that we did not drive each other absolutely nuts. Instead, we discovered a sisterly bond existed between us. We shared interests & passions, views on life, and an insatiable hunger for laughter and silliness. Together we created memories; our most memorable the saga of Squeaks... lets just call him our friendship mascot.

Blog beginning

My best friend and I live 168 miles apart. We met in college and lived together for one unforgettable semester. We've learned, laughed, and cried together... and now we blog together. Through our posts we will share things we love, reflect on lifes surprising pleasures, and continue to inspire each other. I'm reminded of a quote from a Helen Exley giftbook K gave me, "We feel more deeply, remember more clearly, enjoy events with greater pleasure if we have a friend to share with."